

I've loved movies since the age of three prior to that I believe that I just cried and generally ruined films for other people. The first film that I remember watching was Raiders of the Lost Ark. I think I remember it because I taught myself how to put it in the VCR, hit play, rewind etc.  and I guess that was a big deal to a 3 year old. That and it scarred and thrilled me in equal measures. Later in life films opened my eyes to new perceptions of the world and saved me from being sad when I was going through some rough patches. My tastes have changed over the years but I'm still that three year-old playing Raiders of the Lost Ark over and over and that awkward 15 year-old seeing her first Wes Anderson film by accident and that angsty 18 year old watching Harold and Maude or Quadrophenia (both incidentally have dramatic final scenes involving cliffs).